
PLT has been our foundational After School Program supporting children, youth and young adults since our organization’s inception in 2017. We offer programming within HRM REC Centres during after school hours Monday-Friday. The focus of our programming targets community presence, recreation & leisure, self-regulation and skill building opportunities.

Co-Schooling, or Cooperative Schooling was developed with two types of students in mind. Individuals who are unable to attend public school and have a focus on learning functional living skills for life and individuals who may require additional supports to meet education outcomes. A huge pillar of this program is relationship building, personal motivations and using teaching strategies that meet students’ learning styles.

March 13th-17th (2023) @ NSCC Akerley Campus
10:00am-2:00pm – $100/day
Please send any interest or questions to

Stay Tuned for Summer Fun 2023 Details