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Community, Recreation & Education Society

Through training, partnerships and individualized programming supports and services, we empower and support individuals with Autism/ASD to be active, lifelong members of our community.

Caregiver Perspectives of a Play-Based Program for Autistic Children and Youth

A newly published research report highlights the incredible benefits of LEARNINGO’s programs as shared by parents.

child on swing

Introducing LEARNINGO.

Learningo is a non-profit organization funded in part from donations from our Founding Friends.

Canadian Tire Jumpstart


LEARNINGO is honoured to be a recipient of a generous grant from the Canadian Tire Jumpstart Sport Relief Fund.


You can donate to LEARNINGO through Canada Helps. Just click on the image below!


LEARNINGO is a subscriber to Lillio, an app and platform that allows us to manage our programs and connect with families for a collaborative and interactive experience.